Friday, October 15, 2010

Art Wall

My daughter loves to color, draw and paint.  I never knew how to display her drawings without making the house looked cluttered.  I find it messy when I see houses where children's drawings are displayed everywhere.  Hence, I decided to create an art wall that will beautifully display my child's artistic abilities.  Once I made the art wall, my daughter was so excited to see her drawings displayed that she makes it a point to draw just to see her art on the wall.  When we have guests, she proudly shows off her art wall.  The art wall is displayed in our play room.

To make the art wall, I used curtain rods and curtain hooks. I bought colorful ribbons at Michael's and clipped the ribbon to the hooks.  I purchased butterfly crafts to add weight to the ribbon and glued it to the end of each ribbon (also bought at Michael's).  I added flowers to the hooks so it would look less like a curtain rod. Next, I used wooden laundry clips and voila'-  a clean and beautiful way to display your children's art wall.  Altogether, it cost less than $40

The art wall makes your child feel talented and that their work is good enough to be shown to the world. It makes them feel proud of themselves.